Thursday, March 18, 2010

Reflection Week 6

Lets see, How did my week go last week. Well it went quite normal i guess. Class and work. Nothing too special. My goals for last week were accomplished. Nothing came unexpectedly and ruined my plans. Yeah, I know, i live a boring life. What can I say? It's what I'm good at. Reading strategies and study skills? Ooohh.... yeah.... about those...... ummmm... yeah... Let's not go there.

This week on the other hand, well, that didn't go as planned at all. On Monday I got into a big argument with my mother and ended up having to drop 2 classes. It got to the point to where i punched a hole in my headboard of my bed. Yeah it got ugly. So now i have to get at least a B in my two remaining classes in order to return in the fall as a student. Sucks i know. I mean, i like school (sounds crazy right?). I mean i seriously hate having nothing to do. This past Tuesday And Thursday I got to sleep in which was a plus, but once i woke up i had nothing to do. I just sat around doing nothing until work started. I hated it! It gets to the point where I mess with things and break them. Yeah that is bad.

So yeah I"ll leave you with that. Oh and this little guy
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lol and i think ill put a song up too

-That One Kidd

1 comment:

  1. What was the arguement about with your mom? You will be able to make the classes up next semester :) dont give up!
